Nayan Malek

A scientist by profession, a writer by passion.


Sun Sign

I'm a scientist and don't believe in any pseudoscience!

Three things people don’t know about you?

I'm an open book (of course, everyone can read, but only a few understand me!). So many things are already available on my social media. Most probably, if there are some things that my connections don't know, it's because I don't want them to know.

What’s your greatest fear?

Not getting my story's 'Riu' in my real life.

What is your greatest achievement?

When some people gifted my book to their lovers, and they informed me, I felt so happy, I thought I have achieved something! Although I am content with what I have, I always feel - And miles to go before I sleep!

High point of your life?

Probably now.

Low point of your life

When I lost my father.

Which living person do you most admire?

I think I admire myself the most!

Who is your favorite fictional hero?


Who is your favorite fictional villain?


Who are your favorite authors?

Rabindranath Tagore, Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, Paulo Coelho, Jane Austen, Gillian Flynn

What are your 5 favorite books of all time?

Gone girl, Devdas, Shesher Kabita, The Alchemist, Pride and Prejudice

Is there a book you love to reread?

No, I generally reread my book for editing!

What are your 5 favorite movies of all time?

Intersteller, Inception, Troy, The Prestige, Basanta Bilap

One Superpower you wish you had?

Being Invisible

Your epitaph would read? /Last line in your biography would be?

I'm not confined here in this tomb. Nature has converted me into Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Calcium, Phosphorus, and some other trace elements. I am everywhere in Nature now!

If you had a time machine to take you back to any country and any time period, where would you choose to be for your childhood, adolosent , adult life and silver years?

Childhood: Japan, Adolescent: India, Adult: Anywhere in the world, Silver years: India

If you could acquire any talent, what would it be?


Which book you wish you had written ?

Ummm... All the bestseller books! Ha ha!

When and where do you write ?

Mostly at night, in my bedroom!

Silence or music?

Both depending on my mood. But if I am with the special one, I will prefer silence over loud music in the pub.

One phrase that you use most often?

Enjoy life!

What’s your guilty reading pleasure?

I don't have any.

Do you have one sentence of advice for new writers?

Speak your heart and follow your own style.

Nayan Malek is an alumnus of IIT Madras, a scientist by profession, and a writer by passion.

He was born and brought up in West Bengal, India. Murshidabad, a historical place in West Bengal, nurtured him for 17 years until he completed his schooling. After staying in Kolkata for three years, he moved to the southern part of India – Chennai, Tamil Nadu, for higher studies.

He has completed his Masters and PhD degrees in Chemistry from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras). Currently, Nayan works as a researcher at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia. His research interests lie in artificial photosynthesis and the reduction of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. He dreams of running cars with water instead of petrol in the future. His patented research works were covered by 20+ national and international media (including The Times of India, The Indian Express, etc.).

Nayan started writing poems and stories during his school days. He has published one Bengali short stories collection (‘Nishwaser Andhakare Riu’), and his Bengali novel ‘Riu, Akta Andhobiswas’ is under preparation. He wishes to walk through the space of literature alongside his career in science and technology.

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