Nitya Satyani

Blogger, teacher, children’s author… reader, dreamer, traveller… choco-shopaholic beyond repair… but what I love being most?? A MOTHER!


Sun Sign


Three things people don’t know about you?

I have terrible stage fright, I'm a die hard foodie and can sell my soul for chocolate, I'm partially night blind

What’s your greatest fear?

Losing the people I love!

What is your greatest achievement?

Hopefully still to come.

High point of your life?

The days my children were born

Which living person do you most admire?

My grandfather

Who are your favorite authors?

Paulo Coehlo, Rudyard Kipling, Mary Higgins Clark, Sandra Brown

One Superpower you wish you had?

To turn back time and press pause on life. Also.... to miraculously make India clean and infuse all our citizens with hygiene and basic civic sense.

Your epitaph would read? /Last line in your biography would be?

But I have promises to keep... And miles to go before I sleep

If you had a time machine to take you back to any country and any time period, where would you choose to be for your childhood, adolosent , adult life and silver years?

I am very happy in our current times... but would love to have a machine that would let me travel to and live in every part of the world. There is so much beauty and culture in our world just waiting for us but life is too short to experience it all.

If you could acquire any talent, what would it be?

To be able to sing well. Music soothes the soul and let's it know that no matter how bad it seems, you are not alone

Which book you wish you had written ?

I wish I had written the stories of movies such as: Finding Nemo, Frozen, The Jungle Book and Rise of the Guardians

When and where do you write ?

I can write anywhere, even when I'm doing something my dance such as when I'm stuck in traffic or waiting for someone. But I'm most inspired and connected with my soul when I'm closest to nature... in the mountains, by the seaside or watching a sunset

Silence or music?

Music! Soulful lyrics are the balm for every emotion

Do you have a writing ritual / superstition?

I just like to have a passionate opinion on whatever it is that I'm writing, then the words effortlessly flow

What’s your guilty reading pleasure?

I oscillate between breezy feel good romance and comedies like the Shopaholic series and books on crime and mystery. I enjoy fiction.

Do you have one sentence of advice for new writers?

Writing is like meditation. It's the pouring out of your soul in words. Be true to your emotions and don't corrupt the process by writing with an audience in mind.

Nitya Satyani is a teacher by qualification, a writer by passion and a mother by profession! Born and brought up in Mumbai, she has worked as a playschool teacher and freelance writer, contributing to several leading newspapers and magazines. After the birth of her son, she discovered her true calling; being a mother. Nitya, now a mother of two, spends her time marvelling at the innocence, growth and vulnerability of childhood. And in-between digging in the sandpit and scouting the park for insects, she disappears into every child's fantasy world and writes beguiling stories for and about little peopleƒ and of course about the many joys of being a mother! This expanded, colour edition of Spinning Top, is published by public demand.

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