Sahadev Sahoo
A bibliophile, silent observer and a prolific writer. Writes both in Odia and in English.
Amit Gupta
I firmly believe in God and religious principles but not the social barriers which we humans have created. My aim is to serve the nation through my writing and to inspire the youth of India to eliminate social disparity prevailing
Som Prokash Das
An author, a worshipper of literature, natural singer and musician, book lover, love to inspire others and get inspired by life.
Ameya Kale
Author, bookworm, addicted to tennis and badminton. I have ideas that go well beyond insane. Am I from the future? You tell me.
Saikat Baksi
Life is too short. Too many lives to be lived. Too many missions to complete. Too much of happiness to embrace. Too many tears to drink. And then tell a story to the world that says life is good!
Ananya Mukherjee
Author, observer, dreamer, rebel and thinker; a juggler of corporate life and performance art. Not necessarily in that order!
Inba Vignesh
All the prejudices that come with being a creator don't hold true to me. I am just a boy-next-door with a very big dream of becoming a storyteller someday.
Anuradha Prasad
I am an artist, columnist, academician an author and a fitness buff. I am a dreamer. I believe that any dream that is small is not a dream at all. So, sometimes I drive myself crazy in the feverish goal
K Vaishali
Writer and any-other-noun-that-supports-my-fiction.
An author, poet, motivational public speaker, nature lover and spirituality seeker.
Deepika Kumaaraguru
Being an author, it’s predictable I’m a passionate reader, but I also love animals, nature, observing human attitude and cheering people up. My trusted best friends and cousin sisters keep me tied to the reality of the world and soothe
Harleen Vij
A sports enthusiast who eats, sleeps and loves cricket. Surprises life more than waiting for life to surprise her.
Leena Chandorkar
Part realist-part dreamer, part seeker-part teacher, reluctant gypsy who travels the globe…
Vaibhav Srivastav
During the day Vaibhav Srivastav sells time to a city that doesn’t have any. On full moon nights and mostly half past ten, he turns into a writer. He likes doubling his happiness and drowning his sorrows in a pond
Shankar S Padmanaban
Mechanical Engineer. Writer. Biriyani lover. Travel Enthusiast. Awful Singer. Humanist. Realist. Maverick.
Roswitha Joshi
Addicted to harmony, yet not shying away from confrontation. Enjoying solitude, yet vivacious in company. Equally prone to silly fun and deep thinking. Keen on inner and outer journeys.
Shreya Dhanwanthary
Shreya Dhanwanthary spends all her time conjuring up scenarios where she is heroically rescuing the world from abominable evil. When she isn’t doing that, she writes. Sometimes.
Arjun Premkumar
Youtuber, stand-up comic, debater and engineer.