(1) I am highly spiritual that never reflects in my daily routine. (2) While I seem to be adamant and stern to most of the people; what they don't know is that they are under my surveillance period, else I am very friendly after I find them decent. (3) My every present step is based on its future accomplishments. While I always seem patience-less to others, I have a lot of patience in terms of waiting for the right time.
Indulging myself in any activities that may lead me to re-pay the universe in some way. So I always try to put the Universe in debt on me, like I enjoy all the hard times because I believe anyhow GOOD thing will happen to me in return.
"Being the designer of a racing team that completely fabricated ATV vehicle, costing 35 Lacks and positioning All India 8th Rank on Mahinda BAJA 2013 contest. And my every software 3D designs, Oil Painting, Writing - that enables me to present my vision in front of others; gives me another level of achievement. Because I believe - I may die, but these things will exist forever."
Sarcastically - It's always the past.
Never felt low at any point in my life, except after my break-up. Else I feel, It's the Universe's technique to educate you about something.
Elon Musk
J. K. Rowling, Deepak Chopra, Brian Greene, Lisa Randall
"1. You Are the Universe - By Deepak Chopra and Menas Kafatos. 2. Rich Dad Poor Dad - By Robert Kiyosaki. 3. Knocking on Heaven's Door - By Lisa Randall. 4. The Alchemist - By Paulo Coelho. 5. Harry Potter (Series) - By J. K. Rowling."
You Are the Universe - By Deepak Chopra and Menas Kafatos.
Transcendence (2014), Jobs (2013), I Am Legend (2007), 21 (2008), Stealth (2005),
I wish to acquire the ability to see the universe in the form of energy wavelengths, not photon reflecting scattered objects.
Standing out of crowd is difficult, but apparently it gives you recognition.
I believe whatever happened with me in past was with a purpose for what I am today. So will not travel through time backwards.
Playing - DRUMPED.
All the books I liked - quest me to learn about the author's thought process and imagination level. I never hoped to have the credibility on those titles, but I always felt – How I could create content like them - of my own.
I am a night owl - All the crazy imaginations comes to me between 2:00am - 4:00am. Not only writing, but also scientific ideas. I never create a content by myself, while I just jot down the ideas and figure out how to shape them.
Have faith on time to let it reveal it's true dimension..
I start any project (writing/painting/designing) only by Wednesday and the dates must sum to 4.
Learning about body language.
Don't write to become a best-seller Author. Write about what you would love to read again and again.
I am the man who wants to put his contribution on every possible skill and then figure out its adequate implementation. I never emphasize on becoming an expert, but I always want to enable myself to identify the process of execution.