Parameswar Nandakumar Warrier

Fiction writer, economist and teacher, sportsman, spiritualist even if a bit of an atheist, happy-to-be Indian with universal norms and values


Sun Sign


Three things people don’t know about you?

That I was a budding tennis star, that I am usually invited to sing as a function nears its end (to disperse the crowd!), that I am spiritual despite not being religious.

What’s your greatest fear?

Of losing dear ones, even if they may still exist in spacetime.

What is your greatest achievement?

Reaching above - average levels of achievement in a number of fields

High point of your life?

Being voted as the person most likely to succeed by a group of peers and friends.(But they have regretted their choice ever since!).

Low point of your life

Proving unequal to the occasion when a close friend needed urgent and innovative help.

Which living person do you most admire?

Difficult to say, many in a tie. But perhaps Angela Merkel.

Who is your favorite fictional hero?

Sherlock Holmes

Who is your favorite fictional villain?

Dr. Fu Manchu

Who are your favorite authors?

Graham Greene, Steinbeck, Hemingway.

What are your 5 favorite books of all time?

Gone with the Wind, Song of Solomon, Of Human Bondage, Grapes of Wrath, A History of Western Philosophy (Russell)

Is there a book you love to reread?

The Sun Also Rises

What are your 5 favorite movies of all time?

Doctor Zhivago, In the heat of the night, A Beautiful Mind, The Man who knew too much, Foul Play

One Superpower you wish you had?

Travel in time

Your epitaph would read? /Last line in your biography would be?

This man never hurt anyone even if he helped very few.

If you had a time machine to take you back to any country and any time period, where would you choose to be for your childhood, adolosent , adult life and silver years?

"For all these periods in my life: The classic Greek age, The serene Gupta Empire, The first industrial revolution with its attendant reformers"

If you could acquire any talent, what would it be?


Which book you wish you had written ?

War and Peace - in a different context and setting.

When and where do you write ?

"In a room with a view out to a garden, usually forenoon"

Silence or music?


One phrase that you use most often?

Quite inappropriate

Do you have a writing ritual / superstition?

I need a view of greenery to look now and then at.

What’s your guilty reading pleasure?

Chidren's books, Comics

Do you have one sentence of advice for new writers?

The first book is long in materializing in its final form, but take heart: it is the calm before the storm, the flood of subsequent creations...

Nandhakumar Warrier was educated at Guindy Engineering College, Case Western Reserve University and the University of Stockholm, and has lived many years in Sweden, the USA, Oman, and New Zealand. His longest stints of work were at the Institute of International Economic Studies (IIES), Stockholm, and the National Institute of Economic Research (Konjunktur Institute), Stockholm, following which he joined the faculty of the Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode.

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