Samir Nazareth

Splendid lemonade maker, kitchen enthusiast & travel fiend. Enjoys conversing & meeting people. Loves all kinds of food, but not the expanding girth.


Sun Sign

Cusp : Aries- Pisces

Three things people don’t know about you?

Trying my hand at ambidexterity,

What’s your greatest fear?

An empty page

What is your greatest achievement?

45 years and counting

High point of your life?

Getting up for a jog

Low point of your life

When I can’t

Which living person do you most admire?

The person in the mirror

Who is your favorite fictional hero?

Samwise Gamgee

Who is your favorite fictional villain?


Who are your favorite authors?

I don’t have any favourites. I enjoy Ray Bradbury, G.B Shaw, Jared Diamond, Oscar Wilde, Richard Dawkins, Murakami, Hermann Hesse

What are your 5 favorite books of all time?

The selection process is still on

Is there a book you love to reread?

The adventures of Sherlock Holmes

What are your 5 favorite movies of all time?

There is so much to see and so little time.

One Superpower you wish you had?

The power of flight

Your epitaph would read? /Last line in your biography would be?

He made his own bed

If you had a time machine to take you back to any country and any time period, where would you choose to be for your childhood, adolosent , adult life and silver years?

Well if there is such a thing as ‘dawn of civilisation’ then that would be where I would have liked to be.

If you could acquire any talent, what would it be?

To be musical

Which book you wish you had written ?

I wish I could rewrite all the holy books to prevent their abuse.

When and where do you write ?

I write in the morning. Though there is no schedule for ideas to pop up

Silence or music?

I studied maths to the radio. I write to the sound of silence.

One phrase that you use most often?

Not that I can think of

Do you have a writing ritual / superstition?


What’s your guilty reading pleasure?


Do you have one sentence of advice for new writers?

The story is you

SAMIR NAZARETH is a freelance consultant whose focus lies in the areas of research and writing on socio-economic and environmental issues. He has been associated with setting up community-based waste management projects and has worked on national policies for hospital and municipal waste management. His concerns for the environment have led him to work with organisations that promote these causes, both in India and abroad. Samir has also worked with a national Hindi newspaper as Senior Editor for special projects. Someone who revels in all creative pursuits, Samir enjoys spending time in writing and cooking. He has also registered three designs with the Indian Patent Office and is working towards a Masters degree in Psychology. For Samir, travelling is all about endless opportunities to experience new places and know people. He can be reached at:, he blogs at and

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