Sudarshan Mahabal

Sudarshan is a Data Scientist in one of the large Silicon Valley companies by day, and a writer by night. He is a Production Engineer from VJTI Mumbai, MBA from California State University, Stanford Certified in Strategy and a research scholar working on his PhD in predictive analytics from SIU. He is also a visiting professor of statistics and data mining at different MBA institutions. He splits his life between Silicon Valley, USA and Pune, India with his wife, their two sons and a golden retriever dog named Steffy who is the furry love of his life. ‘Love Trumps All!’ is his first novel.


Sun Sign

Very much a Libra. Always a swinging pendulum trying to find equilibrium.

Three things people don’t know about you?

1: I can sing most Bollywood top 10 songs for each year since 1950s without referring to lyrics 2: Most of my stories are drawn first as patterns on a whiteboard before typing them up 3: I cry while watching emotional movies and writing my stories

What’s your greatest fear?

Appearing for any exam, any exam for that matter!

What is your greatest achievement?

Making my parents proud for cruising through life with grace (so far)

High point of your life?

Writing a complete novel of my own by creating my very own fictional universe and playing GOD just for some time…that tops it all!

Low point of your life

When someone I really cared about refused to …

Which living person do you most admire?

Terry Gross from the show Fresh Air on National Public Radio (NPR). I wish I get a chance to interview so many interesting personalities in my lifetime.

Who is your favorite fictional hero?

Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) – The Truman Show

Who is your favorite fictional villain?

Col. Nathan R. Jessep (Jack Nicholson) from A Few Good Men

Who are your favorite authors?

Ayn Rand (Atlas Shrugged), JK Rowling (Harry Potter), P. L. Deshpande (Marathi), Vyasa (Mahabharata), Richard Dawkins

What are your 5 favorite books of all time?

To Kill a Mockingbird, Atlas Shrugged, God of Small Things, Pride and Prejudice, The Selfish Gene

Is there a book you love to reread?

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

What are your 5 favorite movies of all time?

A Few Good Men, Andaz Apna Apna, The Blue Planet, The Silence of the Lambs, The Usual Suspects

One Superpower you wish you had?

Superpower to give silence command to Indian stray dogs at my will. Oh, that will be so much peaceful!

Your epitaph would read? /Last line in your biography would be?

Lived a meaningful life

If you had a time machine to take you back to any country and any time period, where would you choose to be for your childhood, adolosent , adult life and silver years?

Childhood – Disneyland Florida, Adolescent – Maldives (Scuba Diving), Adult Life – Silicon Valley inventing things, Silver Years – In company of those who want to live life to the fullest wherever that may be

If you could acquire any talent, what would it be?

Dominican OR Hip-Hop dancer

Which book you wish you had written ?

Pride and Prejudice (so that few special people I care read my book would read me again… and again!)

When and where do you write ?

In my bed, with white noise machine buzzing in the background during wee hours of 4am-6am

Silence or music?

Music when silence is unsettling. Silence when music is settling.

One phrase that you use most often?

Let’s do it!

Do you have a writing ritual / superstition?

Ear plugs 32+ dB

What’s your guilty reading pleasure?

Calvin and Hobbes

Do you have one sentence of advice for new writers?

Write for your own sake. It’s cathartic.

Sudarshan is a Data Scientist in one of the large Silicon Valley companies by day, and a writer by night. He is a Production Engineer from VJTI Mumbai, MBA from California State University, Stanford Certified in Strategy and a research scholar working on his PhD in predictive analytics from SIU. He is also a visiting professor of statistics and data mining at different MBA institutions. He splits his life between Silicon Valley, USA and Pune, India with his wife, their two sons and a golden retriever dog named Steffy who is the furry love of his life. 'Love Trumps All!' is his first novel.

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