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I am a ‘happy go lucky person’ type of person. I am addicted to books, friends and a bit of ‘chit chat’. My easy going character found interest in cooking while I was shouldered with the responsibility of two kids. My love for easy cooking gained me fame and popularity with my close circle which later took the form of…


The eternal dilemma – what to put into tomorrow’s tiffin box? Whether for children with their picky food habits or office goers on the rush or busy parents with too many balls in the air…here is salvation! This illustrated and delightful book of quick, simple and delicious tiffin recipes, will find a permanent place on your kitchen shelf as well as in your heart. Included are recipes especially for diabetics, especially children, who often have a hard time eating the right things. Every recipe carries a Nutritional Note. These recipes are also ideal for those days when you want to take out a picnic basket or go on road and rail trips with family and friends. All you have to do is turn the pages and pick your favourites…

1942 Amsterdam Ave NY (212) 862-3680
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