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And Her Story Began


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Ayushi Raghuwanshi

Author, lawyer, yoga practitioner, poet, nature-lover and an introvert


26 years old Aanya regularly writes in her diary, addressing Romit, her recently divorced husband. While she knows he would never get to read it, to feel as if he is still close to her she shares everything about her life in the dairy.

While she is still grieving over the loss of this separation, her life takes another major turn. As she reflects on life and its unpredictability, she realizes that may also be the beauty of it. She climbs out of the abyss of her self centered grief ready to navigate the turns with courage. She devotes herself to things she has always wanted to do. In 7 year old Sarah, a girl she meets in an orphanage and wishes to adopt, she finds her own reflection, and a ray of hope. But is it already too late?

What does life have in store for her? Will Romit ever find out about the lonely journey that Aanya went through?

Read Aanya’s story, that is neither a romance nor a tragedy but a roller coaster of an emotional journey, and yet just a slice of life.


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"5'' x 8''


200 Grams



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