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Breath of a Wandering City Leaf


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SKU: 9789358830231 Categories: ,

Kartikey Grover

What do eyes that have poetry see in a poem, maybe a thing called Home.


This anthology consists of 70 poems taking deep inspiration from nature and personifying it to express subtle emotions and moments from daily life. The poetry presented deals with everyday happenings around us. The poet finds comfort in seeking hope and believing in a purpose for life. Though finding a purpose is itself a lucky chance, once a soul finds it, then for the poet comes the real brunt of daily consistent hard work. It’s this hard work which makes an individual humble and often finds oneself on a less crowded path. This journey, which is not easy, makes us very sensitive to the struggles of others and develops a sense of empathy. It also helps bond with others who are on such journeys. Kartikey’s poems find such a connection deeply with nature which is consistent on this journey of change. The soul of nature has a purpose and is honest. Kartikey’s poems try to find a bond with these kinds of souls. It is when this group of souls is formed, it is true happiness for the poet

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