“As long as the great mountains stand and the rivers flow, the epic of Ramayana shall live in all the worlds.”- Brahma, the creator.
In India, every household talks about Rama and his beloved wife Sita. From a child to an adult, everyone knows the Ramayana. There are books, movies, tele serials and cartoons beautifully depicting the life of Rama and his laurels.
Then why should you read this book?!
The narrative of Rama can be interpreted from the perspective of Tataka, the demon, or from the viewpoint of Rama’s sister Shantha. Additionally, Sita, whose unwavering love never flickers, can also be highlighted. From the perspective of Gauthama and Vasishta, it is likewise important to learn.
If you are looking for one book which can cover all the titles of self-help, then it is the Ramayana.
In my opinion, Ramayana implies that the greatest battle one has to fight is the conquest within one’s own diminished self.
This book is a retelling of Rama’s Balakanda. The epic begins swiftly, proceeding towards small twists, plentiful morals and culminating into the wedding of Rama and Sita. Keeping the younger generation of men and women in mind, I have ensured that it is written in simple language and lucid narrative with every chapter drifting slowly and stealthily into the deepest corners of your heart. May Rama shower you with his grace.