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SKU: 9789356670426 Category:

Poorva Trikha

Professor by Profession, Poet, Author, Aesthete, Crochetier and Spiritual Enthusiast


Between what is meant and what is said, between what is said and what is not conveyed, between what is conveyed and what is understood and between what is understood and what is actually meant – there are, always, ellipses.

These silent spaces are home to all the poems that form this collection, which attempts to fill the void with words. Some of these poems manifest sublimated angst, while others are peace offerings. Some of them are like prayers whispered in gratitude, while others are like documentaries of bitter truths. Some come across as manifestos of new dreams, while others are just coffins for her unfulfilled desires.

Covering a wide array of experiences, these poems unravel the poetry at the heart of a woman’s life’s myriad situations.

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5'' x 8''


250 Grams



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