“Odyssey of Daze”, the tale of orphaned siblings, Rishi and Nitika, unfolds with a compelling mix of hope and despair. Orphaned at a tender age, their bond is unbreakable, nurtured by the love of their grandmother. But when she departs, a twist of fate leads them to the bustling city of Pune, where they embark on a voyage of self-discovery.
Rishi is entangled in a web of hedonism, torn between the beautiful and caring Sakshi and the mysterious temptress, Sonam. Fueled by the fear of missing out on life’s pleasures, he prioritizes his own joy over the welfare of those he loves.
Nitika, bereft of her brother’s guidance, is lured into a perilous world of addiction, threatening her very existence and their unbreakable connection.
Both are able to overcome their difficulties, but their reconciliation is far from certain, as Nitika blames Rishi for her problems and accuses him of abandoning her, while Sakshi remains a memory he cannot forget. Will the siblings mend their bond before it’s irrevocably damaged? Will Sakshi ever muster the courage to forgive him? This coming- of-age saga delves into love, friendship, addiction, and the enduring power of sibling bonds.