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Rain Drops and Caterpillars


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Anuradha Prasad

I am an artist, columnist, academician an author and a fitness buff. I am a dreamer. I believe that any dream that is small is not a dream at all. So, sometimes I drive myself crazy in the feverish goal fulfilling agendas and my family has to bear the brunt of it. I must do everything hands-on till I am…


Dealing with first time lessons is no easy task, as they can bring tears, joy, inspiration, in proportions unthinkable to human mind and heart! Still! We learn and move on like those caterpillars who have been subservient for a whole season but were able to transform into beautiful butterflies come tropical rains. Both representing changes -HUGE and PERMANENT! Sometimes we get inspiration from nowhere. Sometimes from the least expected person or someone, we might have despised all our life! Still! We learn and move on…..
Are everyday heroes, those people who have their names etched in golden words in the history pages?
like you and me, who have just set an example by their random acts of kindness?
those who just by surrendering to a mighty force called destiny?
by just WALKING OUT of a difficult situation that they no more could put up with?

Who are they? Six human emotions and six stories to make you sit up and think if you were that HERO!

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4.5" x 7"




200 gms

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1942 Amsterdam Ave NY (212) 862-3680
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