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Rewire – How To Be The Leader Of Your Own Life


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SKU: 9789352016914 Category:

Jay Kumar Hariharan

ICF Certfified Executive Coach (PCC) Speaker, Author, Scuba Diver, Theatre Actor


You are meant to become the best version of yourself; that is your dharma.
You owe this not to the world, but to yourself.

How can you reinvent yourself inside out when the lightness of being is replaced by the heaviness of it all? When most of your material boxes have been checked, how to embrace the void and refuel yourself?

Author Jay Kumar Hariharan delves into years of asking himself and others questions on what constitutes ‘success’ and ‘meaning’. Why do many of us suffer from poverty in the midst of abundance? There is a vast need to reflect and be conscious of choices and dreams instead of accepting the status quo. Jay delivers interesting insights by connecting the dots and drawing patterns between highly disparate influences. Interesting anecdotes and stories ensure that jargon and ‘how to’ anchors are kept at bay. This book is a turbo-charged journey into the world of modern day corporate warriors. But more importantly, it is about the meaning of Being over Doing. These pages are for all those who have climbed the mountain and suddenly feel the on-set of ennui.

You are not alone.

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8.5" x 5.5"


250 gms

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1942 Amsterdam Ave NY (212) 862-3680
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