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Melancholy of Innocence


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Raj Doctor

Human, architect, town planner, management expert, global policy, author, poet, (likes – movie, sports, reading)


Melancholy of Innocence is a philo-poetic fable of love set in the late 1920 in Istanbul, just after the political revolution leading to Turkish independence. It is an adolescent’s journey into self-discovery about the true meaning of love. When Umit grows up under the umbrella of Sufi spirituality, and is left to understant the meaning of life and love through poetic influences, what happens? One day, while roaming on the streets of Istanbul, Umit finds a Ruh connection with Masum, a beautiful girl eight years older than him – whom he is simply not able to forget from his being. When coincidence of fate becomes reality, he denies his intelligence and emotions, by following his soul’s inner voice. What does Umit do to devote himself to show his profound love for Masum? Does he succeed? And if he does, why this ‘Melancholy of Innocence? The novel inquires about the human moralities by looking philosophically into the realm of existentialism in the way modern society identifies love.

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344 Pages



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